Health Connect One
Upgraded two major websites that collect electronic health records on midwives and nursing mothers, from Ruby on Rails 2.0 to 3.0
Corrected numerous migration issues and replaced existing authentication with Devise and CanCan
Corrected existing feature tests and added new tests to verify changes and new functionality
Enhanced websites with numerous UI changes
Added additional functionality to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) code base with a TDD process
Added new site testing features and updated existing tests to leverage Capybara’s website testing automation
Provided utility functions to self-document Cucumber feature steps
Assisted in all phases of development from requirements design to implementation to feature testing and finally deployment
Worked closely with original website creators (Harris-Braun Enterprises) to take on responsibility of managing the code base as well as an internally created form generation / automation library
Worked in dual development environments (Windows and Ubuntu 10.4)
Utilized the development tools RubyMine IDE and SmartGit/Hg in both Windows and Ubuntu environments
Assisted in production deployment to Ubuntu 10.4 servers